Homes in multiple California cities see price reductions (click on title)

Transcending Cultural Barriers

At Home With Diversity® (AHWD) is an official certification of the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR). As a member of NAR, I uphold a strict Code of Ethics and am committed to working in your best interest.

  • When buying or selling a home, you should work with a real estate professional who understands your unique circumstances and needs. As a REALTOR®, I know the importance of adapting and remaining relevant in today’s marketplace. By developing a business practice rooted in inclusion and equality, and backed by the At Home With Diversity® (AHWD) certification, I can help buyers of all cultural backgrounds achieve the dream of homeownership.

  • As an At Home With Diversity® certified real estate professional, I strive to create a more inclusive real estate business. As a result of the program, I am better able to assess the attributes of diversity in local markets, as well as their impact, which allows me to effectively serve all clients regardless of race or cultural background. With an increased awareness of cultural and personal biases, I understand how each can adversely shape perceptions and behaviors within a multicultural landscape.

  • As a REALTOR®, I recognize the significance of the Fair Housing Act and reconfirm my commitment to upholding fair housing law as well as to offering equal professional service to all in their search for real estate.
  • Let's Work Together. Contact me here for more information